Co-own your favourite designer bags for a fraction of the retail cost with More.
Days Left To Purchase tHIS MONTH'S FAB5
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How Co-Ownership Works
Get your dream bag for 20% of the RRP by sharing her with 4 other club members.
Access your dream bag for up to 10 weeks per year, from 1 to 4 week intervals.
Our concierge team insures, cleans, and repairs your dream bag extending her lifespan and retaining her value.
Your dream bag is kept in pristine condition so when she returns you fall in love all over again.
The One
A bag so special that is has to be shared
Each month we will bring you a one-of-a-kind rare bag that for many of you will be The One.
And this month, we are bring you a classic from one of the most sought-after brands - Louis Vuitton.
Don’t see your must-have bag? Make a wish here and we’ll include it on our Vote Now page for the community to vote on, and you can invite your friends to vote for your bag.